Thursday, 3 October 2013

Space & Environment: Folder 18

For my first project, Space & Environment, we had to pick a random piece of paper from the mysterious blue box which revealed our folder number. Leading to the book we have to base our environmental concept art on, I received the book "The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson. 

I was intrigued to have received this book, because I personally, have an interest in the supernatural. However at the same time I have never produced scenic concept art, nor art with a horror aspect behind it and so I believe this will be a challenging and interesting project for me to work on.


  1. hurrah, Rhianna! You're still alive, I was almost getting worried about you! Now, let's see this blog of yours pop into life... don't be shy, don't waste time and energy worrying about stuff; just published and be damned and watch in amazement as your progress goes through the roof! Onwards!

  2. Hey Rhianna I got the exact same book in my year, if you need any help just let me know. You can also see how I did mine just in-case you need some ideas feel free to have a look at mine here:
