We were recommended to create a Master Study of an artists work, in order to help not only with our colour theory but also with testing out techniques too. For my Master Study I chose to work with a piece of artwork by concept artist Kekai Kotaki. From looking at his gallery I tried to find a more basic piece of concept art to avoid over complicating things as a Master Study is just an experiment with brushing and colour. Here is the original image:
I started out just creating the basic foundation of colours that I could paint over and over to avoid the image looking flat, I then started to work on the foreground. As time was passing by I realised I was spending too much time on the foreground, considering this is supposed to be just an experiment not a complete mirror copy, so I tried to finish up on the foreground before I roughed out the middle ground more. From here I was just trying to get the right colours down or as close to the colours as I could get without using the eyedropper tool before finishing the base colours and defining some shapes within the image.
My final outcome ended up being quite rough, with the midground and background but I believe you can get the idea of what it is supposed to be duplicating, I think the main foundation of shapes are there though my ending colour result is off, its a little light. The smoke and the mid mountains were the trickiest things to do as looking at the original artists it looks like used a uniquely textured brush meant for the clouds and the detail on the mid mountain or just applied a specific technique. I created a textured brush of my own but it did not look the same.
Before finishing I merged the layers together, duplicating the one layer and added a surface blur and box blur, setting it to soft light on a really low opacity to try and soften the whole image. I also had a dabble in selective colour to try and get as close to the original as possible. Overall I am fairly pleased with the result. The above is my outcome.
OGR 11/10/2013
ReplyDeleteHi Rhianna,
Let's start positively - nice master study :)
Less positively, I'm pretty disappointed that, for some reason, there's no OGR on here as requested, While the OGR isn't a pass/fail moment, it's my experience (which is considerable) that students who struggle to make this deadline are often struggling more generally, so I'll be arranging a formal tutorial wherein you and I can have a chat to see what's what and if there is any reason preventing you from engaging with the course requirements and expectations more effectively. It's possible that you're still reluctant to share your process with me - and with others - and that you're worrying about 'not being perfect' or something similar. That said, I do need to remind you of the assessment criteria of your current brief and how they align with our expectations of students on this course: so, for your reference, see below:
Knowledge of:
narrative conventions and concepts that inform representation of space and environments
Understanding through application of:
research skills to support and evolve conceptual ideas.
Technical and applied skills through:
project management and professional skills.
If you look at the last 2 criteria, you'll perhaps see how you're current output as expressed by your blog would struggle to meet the expectations outlined. I can neither see or gauge or assist the development of your conceptual ideas, nor are you meeting course expectations re. a professional engagement with feedback. Just to be really clear, Rhianna - on this course - the one you are on - the course culture has been made very clear from the beginning in regard to the use of blogs as a very effective way of accelerating student learning and prepping learners for the realities of employment. It can be intimidating I know to just 'publish and be damned' - but you need to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Rhianna - I'd like you to put together an OGR presentation as requested by your course tutor please, because I'm looking forward to seeing your development. If you're experiencing any difficulties of which I'm unaware, please email me at pgomm@ucreative.ac.uk and let me know.